#crazy how people think they're helping you when really they're the ones pushing you further into insanity
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crazycoven · 1 year ago
gnaws on wood
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novvabee · 5 months ago
And They Were Roommates
My first time writing so here we go
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Summary: How you end up as their roommate
Walking up the steps to the lovely little house on a lovely little street shouldn’t have had you as nervous as it did. The house was exactly as Lily described; charming. It wasn’t new by any standards, but it was a well lived in home. Sure the little garden needed tending to, and there were some cracks running up the walls, but it seemed so warm and inviting. It is better than nothing.
Lily, lovely, kind, sweet Lily was the one who offered up this place. You had come into work that day with a tear-stained face and a stressed demeanor, and Lily knew something had to be off. During your break, she asked what was wrong and you instantly fell apart yet again. You told her about all the horrid circumstances about your apartment. “My roommates are insane, the rent is way too expensive, it’s all the way across town, there’s mold in the shower, I have noisy neighbors, and the landlord is an asshole and a creep,” you rattled off, still teary and frustrated. Lily nodded, listening, thinking of some way to offer up a solution. Hesitantly, she told you about one place she knew that had an extra bedroom available. “Now I have to warn you, there is no guarantee that the people who live there won't be less crazy than your old roommates, but they are nice! I’ve known them for years, they're really cool.” And with that she wrote down an address and told you to meet her there after your shift. 
Which is where you are now, following Lily up the brick stairs to your new potential place to stay. She knocks on the door and waits for it to swing open revealing a young man with long black hair, tied back messily. He was tall, and handsome, his blue-gray eyes sly and gleaming. “Ah Evans, lovely day to you. What brings you ‘round?” His voice was melodic although a tad gruff. She didn’t answer, just pushed her way through, as if she’d done it a million times. You made to follow her and he opened the door wide for you allowing you to walk through. That's when you noticed the tattoos littering his hands. His sleeves cut off what you could see, but you assumed that the tattoos stretched further up his arms. You looked up at him, smiling awkwardly as he tilted his head at you. You’d been caught admiring the markings.
“Where’s James? I texted him.” Lily called from the living room. You followed the sound of her voice into the open living area. It was cozy, a mix of large plush armchairs that matched a big squashy brown couch. There were a couple bookcases filled with books, gadgets, and plants surrounding the tv. A record player to the side. The area was so inviting, not at all like your old apartment.
“I don’t know, I just woke up,” The boy said a tad bit annoyed “Care to introduce your friend?” he gestured over to you
“This is Y/N, my friend from work. She needs a place to stay- I texted this all to James I thought he would’ve told you.” she said in a rushed tone. “Where is he? I specifically-”
“-He’s in the shower Lils” called another voice from a boy now entering the room. He was much taller than the first boy. He had sandy brown hair and light eyes, just as handsome as the first boy, but in a softer way. You noticed a scar running across his face that made him more attractive if you were being honest. He smiled kindly at you and said, “I'm Remus, and that’s Sirius.” He nodded to the black haired boy.
Someone came bounding down the steps, another boy with brown hair and green eyes. He was dripping wet with only a towel wrapped around his waist. He was just as attractive as Remus and Sirius, and well you couldn’t help but… admiring… how fit he was. How could you when it was so graciously on display.
“James! Did you not tell them about Y/N?” Lily yelled at James, annoyed but slightly playful.
“I forgot?”
Lily picked up a pillow from the nearby oversized armchair and threw it at James who dodged it and ran back up the stairs laughing. “Get dressed and come back down here!” she called after him.
She whirled back to you and the two other boys, singing and making her way over to the couch, beckoning you to join her. “These boys” she rolled her eyes “It’s a wonder how this house is still standing” she joked with you.
“We can hear you Evans.” Sirius said sliding into an armchair, Remus casually leaning over the back of the same chair.
“That's the point Black” she debuted.
The dripping wet boy, who you guessed must be James, came back downstairs in more than just a towel this time, but donning a pair of glasses.
He walked straight up to you. “Hi I’m James,” He said, shaking your hand heartily. He was quite warm. “Lily told me about your situation and it sounds shit. I, for one, would be perfectly fine with you staying here, but you see this is a democracy and Remus and Sirius also get a vote.” His words left his mouth at a mile a minute, he seemed to have energy like bottled lightning.”Oh by the way,” he turned to the other boys “this is Y/N, she needs a place to stay.”
“Yeah, we got that much mate, thanks.” Remus chuckled.
“You’re frightening her James, you’ll scare her off” Sirius joked.
You laughed slightly, your nerves easing slightly. But the small noise made everyone turn to you for some input.
“Uh- I don’t want to impose, it is totally fine if you decide that you don’t want another roommate, I mean, you all seem very close and it might be awkward adding another person to the mix, so If you don’t want me to live here I get it, I mean, it is your house, I’d just be staying as a guest I guess,” you started playing with your fingers. The boys shared a look.
“I'm gonna stop you right there love,” Sirius interrupted. “We wouldn't mind another roommate at all.”
“Yeah,” James agreed, ”I’m sure you'd fit in perfectly with us lot. I mean, any friend of Lil’s is a friend of ours.” He smiled at you reassuringly.
“Are you sure? I mean it would only be a couple of months until I can find the right place and-”
“No need. Our house is always open to friends. People are always in and out. Lily has stayed here I don’t even know how many times.” Remus interrupted. “You’re fine to stay however long you need, forever if you want.”
“Really? I- I-Uh. Thank you. Really I mean it, I really appreciate it. I’ll be the best roommate ever, I promise! I'll cook and clean.”  At that, the boys smiled back at you. You felt a wave of relief wash over you. “I can get you guys the rent once I'm all moved in.” You were very excited now, Lily sharing your excitement pulled you from the couch and up the stairs to show you your new room.
“Oh no need” Sirius shouts after you but you didn't hear. They could hear the two of you giggling and talking about decorating.
“Ok we're going to need a new list of house rules.” Remus spoke up to the other two boys. 
Sirius looked up at him shocked. “What, why?”
“Well one, she's a girl. That means put clothes on when walking around the house,” he directed at James. “Two she obviously needs to come out of her shell a little, we don't wanna scare her now do we?”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” James asks.
“She's not used to the chaos that you two seem to feed off of so, maybe just tone it down slightly.” Remus replied.
“No promises,” Sirius mused.
Remus just brushed him off and said more serious now “She’s also…” he paused making sure you and Lily were still upstairs and couldn't hear, ”a muggle.”
The other two boys nodded understanding this important rule. “So no magic? What about quidditch I can’t just stop- Moony what about you?,” James asked.
Remus thought for a moment. This may be harder than they thought, but they weren’t going to go back on it now. “Ok, just no magic out in the open and be careful about it when you do use it. Agreed?,” the other two nodded. “And as for me… we’ll just figure that out when it comes time.”
Sirius looked at the other two. “And what about when she finds out about…” he motioned between all three of them “Us.”
The three of them shared glances and started thinking of how much they had to keep from you. This was definitely going to be harder than they thought.
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saysike-skedoodles · 3 months ago
Art Summary 2024
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[BTW- if you're an account that does NSFW/ Fetish content, I kindly ask for you to not interact with my work. Please don't take this the wrong way, I respect your interests, but I'm uncomfortable with that content and wish to not engage with it :]  ]
AND WE ARE BACK ONCE AGAIN FOR THIS YEAR'S ART SUMMARY!!! I also went with a little theme this time around too! What theme? A DAMN ALBUM. MORE SPECIFICALLY AMERICAN IDIOT. I swear my Green Day interest is at a normal level. To be fair though I never went with themes for my summaries so why not go with something that's one of my FAVOURITE albums and said album also turned 20. That and I also saw it in full live with Dookie this year too so IT MAKES SENSE THIS ALBUM IS FURTHER CEMENTED AS ONE OF MY FAVOURITES (Nimrod still has my heart though.)
ANYWAYS- this year has been nothing short of a ROLLERCOASTER of events. One major thing that you can all see in this summary is the artstyle change. It's not that subtle (in my eyes at least) and it has really taken another step in looking like a 2010s Cartoon Network show. I know I say this a lot but I mean it this time around when I say that I'm REALLY happy with how my art looks now. It's starting to really shape itself into what I want it to be- if I told 2021 me who just started drawing on their tablet what their art would look like now they'd go insane. This year has really been the time I pushed myself in terms of art and just- EVERYTHING. It landed me in a local convention selling my own work too! THAT'S INSANE!! REALLY AND TRULY THAT IS INSANE. I never thought I would get to that point and being able to sell my work and meet people that were interested in my stuff- EVERYONE WAS SO SO SOOOO NICE TOO. AAAAAA. I'm still not over that if you couldn't tell.
I also said the same last year but I gotta say it again that MANNN my friends both online and irl are SO SO AWESOME. I'm forever grateful to have you guys as my friends and to think I know this many people now is kinda crazy. I'm still really happy either way- you guys helped me through some tough times. Not to get overly personal but this year did have 2 major downs. Losing 2 of my oldest pets that were with me when I was very very young were major obstacles to get over- it's why August doesn't have much going for it. But I got through it in the end and even though as I type this am starting to tear up more and more, what I will say is that I know they're safe now. I'm not religious in any way (I mean look at what I draw), but I like to think that my pets are someplace safe. Even if it's by a nice fireplace snoozing. I love my pets what can I say-
Where was I going with this? OH YEAH- let's move on from the sad stuff for a bit- I don't usually care about numbers and such but.. HOWDIDIHIT200WATCHERS??????WHAT??????? I'M STILL SHJJFSLJFFDLK BECAUSE OF THAT. HOW??????? Can you tell I'm surprised- This is trailing off into rambling territory. I'm gonna stop now and make the most of the last day of 2024. I'll probably go play minecraft, listen to music and watch vids about roblox ARGs. SEE YOU ALL NEXT YEARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR.
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[all content I post is automatically 13+ if not stated in the title or the content itself]
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princessconsuela120 · 2 years ago
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Chapter seven: Out of the Woods —✧
Series masterlist
Chapter Warnings: cursing, mentions of pregnancy
Authors Note: This ones a shorter one, but I couldn’t think of how else to make this more South Park coded. Don’t forget to comment like and repost! Enjoy!
Chapter art by @silvell
DRIVING UP TO MARK AND VANESSA’S FELT LIKE A FEVER DREAM. Just imagining that in a few months it would be my kid here and not me. I couldn’t help but shiver at the thought. At least I knew they’d have a good life, a really really good life. They had such a nice yard where they could play, a beautiful living area where they’d grow up, and it was as far away from the chaos of South Park as possible.
“Juno, I didn't expect to see you here.” Mark said, greeting me at the door as I walked in, looking in as I took in the scenery.
“I have something really cool to show you guys. Is Vanessa here?” I asked, pulling my bag off and searching for the ultrasound photos.
“No. Actually, she's working late tonight. Trying to accrue as much time off as she can before the..” he gestured to my stomach, making me nod.
“Oh, right. I hear these are quite the time suck.” I say, placing my hands on my bump.
“Yeah. I'm just having a ginseng cooler. Would you like one?” I gave him a strange look, which he mocked as he looked back at me.
“What is it with you rich people and your herb-infused juices?” I asked, sitting back on their couch as if it were my own. My amazing ability to make any place feel like home. I kept looking through my bag, deciding to forgot about looking for the photo for a second.
“Something to do with those sporty four-packs they come in. They're not bad though. Did you say you had something to show me?” He asked, reminding me to look through my bag before I continued to grill him.
“Behold, good sir, your future child.” I said happily, pulling the ultrasound photo out of my pocket as Mark came to sit beside me on the couch.
“Hey, look at that.”
“I think it looks like my friend Kyle.” I couldn’t help but smile at the thought. It’s kinda weird actually, the baby wasn’t even here and I could already see the small curve in it’s nose that Kyle had. It kinda made this all a little bit easier, knowing that a little piece of him was along with me for the ride.
“Is he also bald and amorphous?” Mark teased, but I simply shook my head.
“No, he's the dad.” I explained, and he nodded. I think he understood that there must have been something sore there, a kryptonite of mine to bring up Kyle. He didn’t push that part any further.
“Can you tell if it's a boy or a girl?
“I can't. The doctor can. But I kind of want it to be a surprise.”
“Well, it can only go one of two ways.”
“That's what you think.” I said laughing, shaking my head at him. “I mean, I drank tons of booze and smoked so much old weed from my dads farm. He has this thing called the pandemic special, shit goes crazy...You might end up with one of those scary neuter-babies born without junk.” I explained, taking a long swig from my water bottle while raising a brow at Mark.
“Junk, huh?” He asked, seeming confused.
“Yeah, you know, its parts.”
“We definitely want it to have some junk. Please.” Mark said with a sigh, and I pressed my lips together in a frown.
“You don't need to worry about a thing. My mom makes me eat super-healthy. You know, I can't stand in front of the microwave, and no red M&M's. I hope you're ready.” I explained, but Mark seemed to ignore the question. The song playing from the cd player seemed to catch his attention.
“You hear that?” He said, getting up as he turned the volume up.
“This is my favorite song. This is Sonic Youth doing "Superstar" by the Carpenters. What did you say your favorite band was?”
“Didn't. It's a three-way tie between Fleetwood Mac, Nirvana and Pink Floyd.”
There was a reason, of course there was. Though my favorite of all time was Billy Joel, but he asked about bands. When we were kids I don’t think I could survive without my earbuds in blasting any and all Billy Joel and Fleetwood Mac songs. Billy Joel was me and Kyle’s thing. The first day he got his license, he picked me up and blasted Billy Joel music as we drove around. Vienna must have played 20 times before we even got home. And Fleetwood Mac was Stan. Even as children, when my mom would sing us Landslide to help us fall asleep.
“I'm definitely making you some CD's. At least while my kid's in there.” He said, making me smile slightly.
AFTER LISTENING TO A FEW SONGS, and establishing a very important argument of 80s movies, we ended up on the couch watching Terminator. It had been an all out war, I had to defend my stand on Swayze for my life. It was nice, a cool way of getting away from the chaos of my life, no South Park, no Cartman, no Kyle, nothing. It was a nice quiet alternative to the craziness of my life.
“I’m sorry but I just can’t give you the win on this one. Dirty dancing will forever be the winner.” I said, shaking my head as he sighed.
“At Least it’s Dirty Dancing not some bouge remake.” He said, making me nod as I leaned back, a new movie now playing on tv.
“Have you guys thought of any names for the baby yet?”
“Sort of, yes. Vanessa likes Madison for a girl.” I looked over at Mark with furrowed eyebrows, not being able to help the dirty look I gave.
“Madison? Wait, hold on. Isn't that, like, a little gay?” I said rudely, earning a look in return from Mark.
“Wow, pretentious much? Should everyone just have a mysterious name like Juno? Isn’t your brother's name Stanley?” He argued, and I just shook my head.
“My dad went through this huge obsession with Roman and Greek mythology. You know, while he was high on weed. So he decided to name me after Zeus' wife.”
“I got it.”
“Zeus, he had tons of lays...But I'm pretty sure Juno was his only wife. And she was supposed to be, like, really beautiful but really mean. Like Diana Ross.” I explained, and he smiled at me as I rambled. It was strange, the way he smiled at me, but I didn’t think much of it. He was probably just trying not to laugh at my ridiculous talk.
“Well, that suits you.” He said, making me furrow my eyebrows in confusion.
“You are something else.” I was about to make a comment before the front door opened. “There's Vanessa. You'd better go.”
“What? Why?” I asked, confused, considering I had come in the first place to show them their baby.
“She hates when I sit around and I watch movies and I don't "contribute."” He explained, getting up and clearing the sofa canes we had downed while here.
“No, I'll handle this. I'm really good at diffusing mom-type rage.” I explained, having handled mine and Kyle’s mothers for quite some time.
“Juno, seriously…”
“Mark, where are you? I got some stuff…” Vanessa said, the bags in her arms bouncing against her legs as she walked in.
“Hey, Vanessa.” I said cheerfully, though Vanessa seemed worried by my arrival.
“Juno. What's going on?” She asked, trying to see if she could find anything wrong.
“What's wrong?”
“I went to the doctor today.” I explained.
“Is something wrong?”
“The baby's great. It's the right size and everything. I even saw its phalanges today. Here. It's a baby. It's your baby. It kind of looks like it's waving, you know? Like it's saying, "Hey, Vanessa, will you be my mom?"”
When I showed Vanessa the picture there was a certain sparkle that seemed to form in her eyes, one I realized made her even more beautiful. She was so entirely happy, and in awe to see the baby, it made it all the more magical. It made me grateful to be able to say I was helping her.
“It kind of does.”
“Right?” I asked happily, smiling when Vanessa looked up at us.
“Juno was nice enough to bring that over for us.” Mark said, as Vanessa’s worry slowly faded.
“Yeah, I came as soon as I got that ultrasound goo off my pelvis. It was crazy, actually. My mom verbally abused… The ultrasound tech, and we got escorted off the premises. Wow, what kind of swag did you score? Mall madness, huh?” I rambled, looking down at the millions of bags in her hands.
“It's just some stuff I picked up for the baby.” She said.
“Don't you usually get all that stuff at a baby shower?”
“I doubt anyone's gonna throw us a shower.”
“Why wouldn't they throw you a shower?”
“I don't think people know how to feel about the situation…”
“Because it's not set in stone.”
I looked up to see both Mark and Vanessa looking down, as if mourning a past child they didn’t get to have. It broke my heart.
“What isn't set...? No. You don't think that I'm gonna flake out on you?” I asked, but Vanessa smiled sweetly.
“No, I don't, Juno. We went through a situation before where it didn't work out.” She explained, and Mark frowned beside her.
“Yeah, cold feet.”
“You should've gone to China. You know, because I hear they give away babies like free iPods. They just put them in those t-shirt guns and shoot them out at sporting events.” I explained, pretending to shoot a canon around. Mark and Vanessa shared a look before looking back at me.
“Your parents are probably wondering where you are.”
“No. I'm already pregnant. So, what other kind of shenanigans could I get into? But I should probably bounce.” I said, grabbing my keys as I began heading out.
“Take care.”
“Bye now.”
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uncloseted · 10 months ago
Am I the only one who feels that we've jumped timelines into a crazy alternate reality where tech companies are building ai that take parts of humanity away instead of doing the jobs people hate to free up time for humanity? It's targeted art, writing, film, photography, and now they're pushing ai dating where an ai you talks to another ai match before you decide if you want to talk to the real person or not. It's destroying what makes us human and further isolating us from one and other
I get this for sure, but I think that our current use of AI is more a symptom of late stage capitalism than it is a problem within itself. In a system where the accumulation of capital is the ultimate goal, there will always be a race to the bottom in terms of production costs. Corporations don't care if people like their jobs or not; they care about how much value is being created for their shareholders. *All* jobs are being targeted by AI, not just the ones that people like, because all human labor more expensive than a corporation wants it to be.
In a human-centered system, I think AI would be a tool instead of a threat. It can help people who struggle with fine motor skills to create art, or help jog people's memories or get them over writer's block, or fix all the fiddly parts of photo editing that nobody really likes to do. It could make it easier for people with neurological disabilities to navigate the world. It could allow people who speak different languages to have a seamless conversation, and it could match people to create meaningful and lasting friendships. It could help teach people how to improve their interpersonal and empathetic skills. I don't think AI is necessarily a bad thing. I think unbridled capitalism is the ultimate problem here, and I think more than AI technologies, that's what's destroying what makes us human and isolating us from each other. Not to be like, a Marx apologist on main or whatever, but I think he was right when he said that capitalism "estranges from man… his human aspect" and "(leads to)…the estrangement of man from man".
But. We don't have to let that happen, at least not on an interpersonal level. If art is what makes you feel human, keep creating art. Opt to meet new friends and significant others in the real world instead of on an app. Bake your neighbor a pie. I know those things feel small in the face of a world that's becoming increasingly digitized, but I really do think that banding together and building community with one another is the only way we're going to be able to make any real impact on this issue or any others.
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lovelychoso · 2 years ago
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There Are Whispers Behind My Smile
(Getou × psycho!reader)
Hey all!
I haven't written fanfiction in a while but that Geto mf has been driving me crazy and the fantasies have been running wild
I decided that because psycho Y/n barely happens, I would like to give writing her a try. I live in Canada so any descriptions I give of high school will be from my personal experience.
I will do my absolute best to not specify any of Y/n's physical features so that this fic doesn't exclude anybody <3
Clothing might be specified here and there, but I'll try to avoid that as well when I'm given the chance
Tags will be added as the story progresses! I haven't figured out all the details so I'm only tagging what I know will eventually happen.
I hope this isn't a turn off for anybody (lol) but Toji and Mamaguro are our parents for this fic, Megumi is our half brother. I thought having Toji as a dad (and Megumi as our little brother) would be quite fitting in some places. Plus, I just want those three to be a family (is that too much to ask gege?)
I hope my writing style isn't super wonky! It's been years since I've written for entertainment so my flow might not be strong in the first few chapters.
That's all I can think of to say right now. So without further ado, Enjoy?
Every year the school put together a year-end camping trip for the grade 12 (senior) students. They're always planned to take place over the weekend and consist of three days and two nights. They went to the same cabin camp ground every year that was an hour outside of the city. The camp ground was on the opposite side of a lake that you and your family went to every year, so you were semi familiar.
Despite this, you were still reluctant to go. You didn't really like the other students in your grade - save for a handful of kids who actually had a form of sense - and you thought you deserved better than to waste a precious weekend with the stupid bastards you attended school with. You didn't mind staying at home with your family. Your parents - mainly your step mom - liked to plan enjoyable things for the weekend anyways so it wasn't like you were going to miss out on a good time.
When you told them about your decision to veto the camping trip, they didn't push too much for answers. They of course inquired as to why this was your decision because they thought it odd. Normally kids at the age of 17 would jump at the opportunity to spend a weekend away from home. They even pointed out how the lake was one they frequented as a family. You simply told them it wasn't something you thought you'd enjoy.
"besides, my classmates are unbearable at times. I'd rather stay here than go to the middle of nowhere with people I dislike."
Nonetheless, their hearts couldn't help but warm at the fact that their ‘little’ girl would rather stay with them. Your dad, Toji, raised you after all, and in terms of personality, you took on after him quite much. They, especially he, were familiar with the fact that you weren't super outgoing when it came to things like the camping trip. And even though the fact delighted her, your stepmother couldn't stop the concern from seeping into her chest when you reminded her of your reluctance to be social.
Your tendency to be antisocial reminded her of your dad. When she met you both seven years ago, she wanted nothing more than to help him out with the issues that stemmed from the traumas he faced as a kid. And even though you and him were in a much better place now, she could never guarantee that – outside of the home – you would be safe from the issues that once plagued your father.
You were 10 years old when your father introduced her to you for the first time and she immediately noticed that you weren't like the other kids she had seen of your age. For one, you were quiet. You weren't shy, no, you just didn't want to speak to her.. or anyone who wasn't your dad for that matter. It was like you needed to trust her first.
You were a carbon copy of your father.
You were careful and calculated. You weren't a hasty child and you always thought about your actions. Deep down, she knew that this behaviour was a product of you and your dad's previous living conditions. And it made her feel terrible because she thought the irrational and carefree portion of your youth had been stripped away. It took time, but eventually you started coming around. You stopped hiding from her. And although you were still hesitant to speak to her directly, you slowly let yourself become curious around the new woman that seemed to have captured your dad's heart. When you needed to know something about her, you would whisper your curiosity into your dad's ear and he would smile at your progress.
She felt proud of herself for what she was able to accomplish. But there was always a nagging feeling that there was more she could do for you personally. So although your dad had dropped the issue of the camping trip, she made it clear that should you ever change your mind, you had their support.
You were content with this, feeling like the matter had been disposed of and you could move on with your life.
Besides, it's not like you knew that you would have a sudden change of heart...
You had gone to school the next day feeling awfully bored and displeased. Just an hour ago you were sitting at the table with your darling little brother, Megumi, watching him eat his breakfast. You never had an appetite for food in the morning, it made you feel a little ill when you ate in the early hours. Instead you talked with him about odd topics – or whatever you could muster up with a 5 year old kid. How much you wished to go back home..
You sat in first period and waited for class to start, still another 10 minutes. Your assigned spot was in the back of the class. Ir was something you particularly enjoyed because it meant your watchful eyes could see everything. Or...
And that 'everyone' included him.
Suguru Geto.
Geto had been the apple of your eye the moment you first saw him. It was the first day of high school almost three years ago and you remembered the moment like it happened yesterday. Though how could you not? It replayed in your head only a million times a day:
The first day of school and you were already late. Great. Sometime during the night, your charger unplugged from the wall and your phone battery drained down to 0%. You missed your alarms and slept in which automatically set your schedule back 30 minutes. And because getting ready in 5 was out of the question, that meant you were to miss the first bus. Taking the next one was no problem, but when you finally arrived at school it caused you to be 10 minutes late for your first class.
You hastily finished at your locker and moved to speed walk to where you thought you had to go. Luckily for you, orientation happened a week ago and your brain was still a little fresh on how to maneuver through the halls of this maze of a high school. But through it all, you were amused that you weren't the only student still roaming around. Here and there, you would find other first year students still finding their way through the school, consulting the roaming staff and teachers for directions to their classes.
'Just around this corner..' you recalled to yourself, no longer paying mind to the others around you.
And although you were semi acquainted with the route, your mental frazzle posed as a distraction so big that you didn't see the body you collided with until it was too late.
You had crashed into someone's chest and stammered backwards, holding your nose that unfortunately took the brunt of the impact. In the back of your daze you heard a clutter of something hitting the floor. It was probably your phone, ugh.
"Oh crap.. I'm so sorry!"
You rushed to apologize, still pressing around the surface of your nose. You hadn't looked up at the person yet. You felt increasingly displeased, stressed, and embarrassed about what just happened - not to mention the minutes were continuing to add up, making you more late for class. Your glare at the floor was interrupted by the sight of your phone being.. held out to you.
"You're good, don't worry."
Said a male's voice. Sultry, you noticed. Whoever it was sounded humourous and his amusement at the situation could be heard through his tone.
‘Damn you..’
You couldn’t help but think to yourself. But all in all, at least he wasn’t mad at you for crashing into him, right? A win is a win..
You only nodded at the reassurance he responded with, letting go of your nose to take your phone from him. You thought it was time to be decent and look up at the person you just inconvenienced. And when you did, you couldn't stop the breath that hitched in your throat..
... Woah.
The moment you tilted your head up you found that siren eyes were already looking down at you. His pale skin and black hair complimented each other in a fascinating manner. You had never seen a boy your age be comfortable enough to wear their hair the way that he did. His black hair - silky, you noticed - was pulled back into a messy bun of volume and loose strands. The bang that framed the right side of his face only added to his striking charm. You couldn't stop your eyes from trailing down to his lips. They looked soft and unblemished. The corners were raised ever so slightly, solidifying the amusement that was surely spreading through him. The difference in your heights caused him to stare down at you. His dark, cold-cutting eyes were keeping you locked in a trance. You couldn’t move or look away from him.. Do something, you unresponsive idiot!
Surely this man had to have been carved by God himself, yes? A canvas in which no single brush stroke left space for error.
“S-sorry again.. I was distracted.”
You said with the intention to diffuse the situation, hoping it would help your case. In all of this, a particular heat had rushed to your face and you forced yourself to look away from his captivating eyes. There was no way he hadn't noticed the nerves had taken over your body. Your theory was confirmed when you heard the chuckle that make his chest and shoulders shake, a sound that reminded you of soft leather had sent heat to your stomach.
Oak and sandalwood surrounded you and your eyes trailed from where they looked off to the side of the hall to the pale expanse of his neck... you desperately itched to get closer to where you knew you'd find something akin to heaven.
You knew it was rude, but you didn't want to stay any longer. It was getting harder to control your desires and and you still had a class to attend. Drooling over some boy – who was still observing you with anticipation – wasn't going to make this odd day any better for you
"Anyways I need to go, thank you."
You said and moved to step around him, simultaneously gesturing to your phone he picked up for you. Although your words were hasty, theh came out smoother and you gave him a small smile to show you were sincere.
"You're welcome."
It took everything in you to not falter in your steps while you walked away from him. More heat pooled within your body and when you were far enough down the hall, you released a breath you didn't know you were holding. Your heart was beating rapidly and you could feel your face was still warm.
'What the hell was that?..'
You turned around to look at where you were moments ago, feeling a mixture of relief and disappointment when you found there was nobody there..
For the rest of that day, you could think of nothing but entrancing eyes and a sultry voice.
After that day, you two hardly spoke again in the three years you attended high school together. Maybe once or twice in short commentary but nothing that stood out for anyone as divine as him to remember. You soon found out his name when you overheard him talking to his friend with the white hair.. someone you soon came to despise. Why? Because he was always around Geto; a position you ached to fill.
As the days turned into weeks, and the weeks turned into months, Geto and his friends rose into a popularity that soaked up the attention of the many people at their school. Girls wanted a taste of their charms and the guys wanted their validation and acceptance... You knew for a fact that you would never have to force yourself to appeal to him, it would certainly come to him naturally. Everybody wore a fake personality when they were around Geto or his friends, that included their damned smiles.
... It made you infuriatingly sick.
Those bastards weren't worthy of Geto or his attention. Everyday you came to school and watched him look and interact with people who didn't deserve it. It didn't matter the time or place, there was always someone who had his attention. Bitterness was a common emotion you felt at school because his charisma and smile should have belonged to you only.
So why couldn't he see you too? Didn't he see how much better than the others you were?
Your reminisce was interrupted by the ringing bell, signaling the start of first period. Students started to pile in the room and they moved to sit in their seats. Chatter replaced the silence as they got into their spots. And although your head was turned away to look out the window, you kept your ears peeled. Brainless conversations were heard from all corners of the room, further solidifying your lack of care for these people so dull-witted.
But you had no choice. There was still one person you were waiting for.
'Come on come on come on come on… —'
A cackle could be heard outside the room and you grit your teeth in displeasure. You fought not to turn your head because you knew that wherever Satoru Gojo was – the white haired idiot who couldn't keep his mouth shut – Geto was always there to follow. Soon enough, they too entered the class. You watched Geto's reflection through the window with an intense, obsessive stare. Your ears automatically tuned into their conversation..
"Suguru.. come on. She's hot! Go on the camping trip and who knows what'll happen between you two. I'll even pretend to sleep while you two sneak out of the cabins to make out after midnight.. " Gojo teased Geto like something was fucking funny and the latter had the audacity to not deny a thing.
You on the other hand, let your eyes widen in shock.
'Geto…? With another girl…?'
Your eyes slowly narrowed, glowering at him through the window.
'No fucking way.'
Wasting no time, you pulled out your phone and texted your dad.
You: Hey dad, changed my mind. I feel
like going on the camping trip if
that's okay
Likes and Comments are appreciated <3
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icharchivist · 2 years ago
I thought it over and can conclusively tell you that Lucilius would not like Human Centipede
I however regret to inform you that Belial would
He helped Lucilius perform those experiments and, as with all things related to Lucilius, probably conditioned himself into believing that inflicting gruesome body horror on people is sexy
He would watch with rapt attention and be mentally undressing the mad scientist guy
If we further go by the song Red Flags, two lines in particular stand out
"I admire the narrative of character growth"
That's a pun, since the people involved in the Centipede "grow" by being sewn together. Lucilius would not have the patience for wordplay, but Belial, silver-tongued serpent that he is, would fucking relish in it. He would pride himself on that phrasing
"The costume design was a highlight"
The segments wear pretty much rags that cover up their bottoms and, in the case of the women, their chests. Lots of skin showing. An immediate plus for Belial
So all things considered I see a lot of reasons for Belial being the horror movie fan. He already has a history of getting unreasonably attached to things, why not really get into a movie that reminds him of his Lucilius?
Red Flags would then work as the tale of someone going on a date with Belial before the guy reveals how truly unhinged he is. But he's hot and some say that crazy is really good in bed, so they're willing to take the risk
I personally think it'd be especially funny if the other guy was Beelzebub
Anyway, I'm terribly sorry, but I felt the need to exhume this discussion only to lay it to proper rest
*buries face in hands* can't believe you all successfully brought the human centipede lucilius discourse back. After having tried so hard to push it back away.
Anyway yeah i agree on Lucilius not actually being fan of the idea (mostly because he can do it better) but at least we stopped there last time, and now having to face the actual, very true, point that Belial would totally be into it, makes it a whole new level of horrifying. I guess we're never escaping the Tom Cardyness of Belial.
Now you just need to picture Belial singing "I admire the narrative of character growth" when Lucilius is starting to make Avatar while Lucilius. sighs. so deeply.
In a modern AU type of things, i can totally imagine Belial being a horror movie fan who would unironically be into human centipede so. that's correct. And the fact that this movie could remind him of Lucilius is spot on.
and as for this last point. Damn. so we're making it human centipede Belial now while he's horrifying Beelzebub huh.
this is terrible. You brought back this nightmare and for what? to be absolutely right about your take? to give a perfectly reasonable ending to it all? to traumatize me one last time?
thank you very much for this i'll never recover.
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character--analysis · 2 months ago
X-Men Unlimited #12
X-Men Unlimited #3
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Maybe it's because I'm reading things as I find them but I really bristle at the way the X-Men talk to Victor after he came looking for help.
Don't get me wrong, I know he's done some awful stuff, but Hank told him Xavier could help. Hank told him the X-Men had 3 psychics that could help him.
When he felt himself losing control, he tried to kill people who deserved it, he even leaves Maverick alive and tells him to figure out the link between the killings.
He's actively looking for someone who can ease the bloodlust to a manageable level the way Birdy did, or someone strong enough to kill him before he loses control completely.
He's right on that edge when he shows up at Xavier's and Xavier sort of gets aggressive right off the bat. Then everyone shows up ready to fight and Victor goes on the defensive and has to use Xavier as a hostage.
He manages to accept help when Xavier gets in his head. But all they do is cage him. He's not even allowed outside, they give him holograms but all he can smell is antiseptic and indoor air, anyone who's ever been camping knows the difference breathing in fresh air can do. ***
Maybe going outside helps him ground. He's been outside a long time. You can't just expect him not to feel caged. Outdoor cats don't transition well to becoming indoor cats, they always want to roll in the grass and hunt and move and get fresh air. No wonder he got stir crazy. They promised him help and then gave him one prison over another even inmates in prisons get to go outside so what the X-Men did is worse than normal prison. They were expecting a lot of change all at once and for someone who hasn't been great at processing things in healthy ways and who lives on instinct they're pushing him too hard and too fast and getting mad when he gets frustrated and lashes out. I can see why they react the way they do, but at the same time from an outside point of view with an understanding of his trauma, it's easy to also see it as cruelty instead of pragmatism or safety measures.
I can definitely see why Victor considers them hypocritical, especially when I try to think about things from his point of view. He tried, he was taking baby steps and it was reluctant and he was uncertain and he just wanted it to stop, but he was willing to try and instead of helping it feels more like they threw it back in his face, it probably felt the same way Mystique toys with him, or even further back the way Jebediah made him jump through awful humiliating hoops for things as basic as food and then gave him essentially garbage to eat. No wonder he's cynical. Every time he thinks things might change the door slams on him.
Here Jean literally doesn't bother to consider even trying to understand, she considers him trash.
Genuinely in his own gruff antagonizing way I think he just wants someone to understand.
Even rogue who touched him for just a moment felt uncontrollable.
Xavier was in his head for a bit and didn't like how it felt either.
Even Beast felt what it was like in there for just a brief moment and instead of trying to actually understand went straight to just calling Victor a monster. *
Beast was in Victor's head when he thought about a boy who's family he was FORCED to kill. Even the man who hired him for the job uses the word FORCED.**
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Victor even took drugs to try and keep the bloodlust down.
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"he is alone. It is a very dark, very frightening place."
"Everything about him... Is centered around those he's killed."
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"you know why the killin can't stop?! It's cause I can't pull it back together Mav! You 'member what it was like 'fore I met Birdy don'tcha Mav? 'member how I'd get without her to straighten my head out?"
He's really trying to explain. He feels out of control. He's barely holding on and he CAN'T not won't CAN'T reign it in.
He's killing specific targets all connected, and we find out they're bad people later.
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He seems more and more stressed out the longer things go on, he outright says he needs a telepath before the drugs wear off.
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praeyrp · 1 year ago
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BFF & Work Husband - Not dating but everyone thinks they are
open face Kwon Ji-yong (G-Dragon) is shown - open name - open species - for Senna Kim
these two are really just "those friends" who everyone assumes are dating, and who are just trying to live their lives in a cut-throat industry, being supportive and creative lil beans together. Senna will be, eventually, pulled half away from the mortal realm (she'll eventually help overthrow her crazy father in the fae realm, the mad king of the dawn court - yes she is technically the crowed princess and yes, he'd know -handwave- lol)Kwon Ji-yong (G-Dragon)
So this request has a fair few details listed, but honestly I'm super open to changes and give you all the wiggle room and freedom to edit things as you need to make it work. Think of this as just a general idea as opposed to something that needs to be followed to a T!! If you have an questions or wanna bounce ideas, just poke me! So the general idea is two people working in the same field, who've come to lean on one another and built a tight kin-ship sort of bond. They're very close, tell each other everything, do as much as they can together, support and help each other where they can and in direct order to make sure neither of them wind up drowning. For the purposes of this ad I'll just call this character G (names are hard mkay lol).
The music industry is hard, demanding and very rarely fair to the artists; this is where it all starts for Senna and G.
They'll have met way back in Korea, several decades ago, when G was just a wee lil artist fighting his way up the ranks within his contracted agency. Senna would have looked slightly younger, but largely she'll have stayed the same, a sort of constant and supportive face among the every changing rabble and those above him trying to milk the talent of their artists. Senna's always been sweet and selfless, but more than this, she's always been drawn to artists and creative types. G, who started very young, would have appealed instantly, and she'd have done what she could to help him along the way.
A very big sister sort of self-imposed role, if you will.
G is the sort who's ambitious, almost to a fault and almost always to his own physical and mental detriment. Pushing himself to his own breaking point constantly. He's been chasing what he has now since he was big enough to dance and has been supported by whomever he'd been around (familial ties are up to you!). As is typical in the Eastern music industry, getting into a group is an uphill climb, and solo albums are basically unheard of unless you're already established. G would have likely been passed over several times before he was finally shoved into a group.
Whether he's still friends with any of them is up to you, and whether he enjoyed it is also up to you. G however, is a much stronger solo-unit. His voice isn't something that necessarily needs or benefits from a group setting, but getting a solo career will have been an arduous and long process. It's this which Senna could have helped with, by applying pressure from her own success and standing in the western market. All through this however, she'd have guided and supported; would have offered G features on songs, and spots on her own tours for his group. Senna knows how hard it is to be passed over and tossed around by the music industry, and some of this G would have seen from Senna's end as well, allowing him to support her equally.
As with anyone who works closely with someone from the opposite sex, especially in the spotlight, people talk.
Senna would never have been bothered, it's just part of fame, though they could have used it to their own advantage and to help further G along by using Senna's own fame. She'd not have minded in the least, after all they're basically family at this point~
Most of G's history up until the present will be up to you, as will when he finally gained his solo career in the Eastern market. The bulk of G's present issues however, will have cropped up after he got what he wanted; the loss of his group landed him in a fairly lonely position, having been surrounded by like-minds all of his life. Even beyond this though he'll have been at the mercy of his agency/label as to what he's able to produce and when it's released. Frustrated by the dragging feet of his agency and their need to yank him around with promises that keep falling through, and Senna will invite him to California.
It's just a vacation, or so he thinks, though when he arrives it'll become very clear that Senna has no intention of letting him continue on the path he's on. She not only offers to help him cut ties with his agency but also offers him a place under her newly created label, which includes all the creative freedom to do what he's always wanted. Breaking contracts is an expensive and laborious process, all of which Senna is willing to help with. Money and time are nothing important to Senna, all she wants for G is his own happiness and freedom~
Senna owns an art collective, which includes a studio, dance space and a art gallery. It's really just one giant building that caters to everything expressive and creative, allowing artists of all disciplines to come together and inspire one another. This will become their haven and everything under its roof will be available to G as well! So stretch his artistic wings!
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jui-imouto-chan · 7 months ago
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*cracks knuckles* Thank you for enabling me @stoicman-wbk
We'll narrow this down to three people for now, just so I don't go TOO overboard. If anyone wants other specific folks, tell me who! I am fairly unpicky when it comes to harems ^^
For this one: Nirei, Kiryu, and Suo :)
These types of things I keep as separate little blurbs, since I want to establish the different relationships... the otome game irl AU would be one exception thanks to the nature of that story
lmk what you think~
Nirei 📝
Nirei and Sakura are honestly really chaste. They're both pretty inexperienced--especially Sakura. Nirei has notebooks upon notebooks full of journaling he'd done after watching romcoms with his mom while he was growing up, so he has a bunch of things he wants to try, but he's also a little scared to bring them all up at once. Suo's words ring in his head, that it wouldn't be best to push Sakura too far out of his comfort zone too quickly.
So far, they've gotten to a point where they'll hold hands and kiss regularly. Usually at Sakura or Nirei's doorstep, though Nirei beams with pride when Sakura takes the initiative to tangle their fingers together while they're walking home. He has his face turned away, but Nirei can see the flush on his ears, the back of his neck, and feel the heat in his fingertips.
And now... They're in Nirei's bedroom, Sakura's fingers fisted in his collar while Nirei gently showers his face with kisses, blush high on both of their faces. Nirei tucks his head into Sakura's neck to kiss at his jaw, taking mental note of each place that makes Sakura's breath hitch, that makes his fingers twist further into the fabric of his clothes--it's fine if they wrinkle, Nirei has an iron, and plenty of extra clothes if Sakura tears this shirt--and Nirei can feel himself getting delirious with every sound Sakura lets slip past his lips.
And then a dull pain cuts through his lightheadedness. "S-Sakura-san?!"
There are teeth latched to his neck. Nirei feels a shudder run through him with force at the sharp canines digging into his skin, and he watches Sakura pull back, a sheen of saliva on his lips, eyes hazy with a blush high on his cheeks, and he struggles to calm his racing heart when he realizes that this was Sakura trying to reciprocate.
Sakura looks a little sheepish, when he feels Nirei's eyes on him. He averts his gaze. "Was that... bad...?"
"Sakura-san... you're really going to make me go crazy."
Sakura doesn't have time to wallow in anymore self-doubt before Nirei is pulling him back in for another kiss.
Nirei gets to add a few entries to another notebook dedicated to his boyfriend. It's the only one he'll never let anyone else read.
Kiryu 🌭
Kiryu is a bit of a pushy boyfriend. Maybe it's thanks to all the shy girls he's used to taking care of, but he knows how to lead Sakura through the intricate dance of dating, pushing and pulling him effortlessly.
They're at an arcade for their date, today, and Kiryu drapes himself over Sakura's back, overlaying their arms and hands so he can help Sakura get better at a game, ignoring Sakura's little screech at the contact. Sakura's shaking a little at the soft-spoken advice in his ear, but his score keeps getting higher even as his hands falter, because Kiryu keeps his own steady.
Sakura doesn't get the highest score, but he places in the top ten. At least, he's pretty sure that's the case, because even though his eyes are closed, Kiryu is congratulating him with that lilting voice, lips brushing against the shell of his ear. Kiryu slowly pulls himself away, and he's laughing to himself as he pokes at Sakura's red cheek.
"Sakura-chan, you're so cute."
Sakura glares at him, but there's no real heat.
And Kiryu's voice dips then, to something low.
"I could just eat you."
Sakura's brain fails him. The finger at his cheek brushes his lips for a second, and before he realizes it, his teeth are catching it.
Neither of them breathe for a second. They're frozen, staring at one another, the pad of Kiryu's pointer finger sitting on his tongue.
Sakura is still flushed from head to toe when Kiryu walks him home. No amount of apologies or justifications could really help his case, though Kiryu assured him a few times that everything was fine. But Kiryu keeps staring at him with an expression he doesn't know how to place when he's not looking at his phone, and it has him on edge.
But he's been stewing for about ten minutes, and they're already at Sakura's door.
Fuck. He doesn't want their date to end like this.
"H-Hey... I'm sorry. For earlier. I really am. I don't... I don't know what came over me." Sakura bows his head, looking down at their shoes. Kiryu's yellow socks are so bright compared to the washed-out colors of his complex. He tries to focus on that, as opposed the silence between them. Apologizing is so... new to him. Is it always this uncomfortable? Sakura chews his lip.
"Sakura-chan," Kiryu chirps, "d'ya wanna do it again?"
His head whips up. "Huh?"
Kiryu has that grin on his face, the grin that usually leads to Sakura being red from head to toe for an indeterminate but long period of time.
And now he's leaning in, slowly pressing Sakura against the front door, a hand creeping up the side of his neck to slowly cup his jaw and another sliding down his side to cup his hip.
"It's okay, so do you want to?"
Sakura's head is swimming. "B-But isn't that... weird? It hurts, doesn't it? Why would you let me do that to you?"
"Plenty of girlfriends bite their boyfriends. Look, I even found a few posts where they talk about it, see?" And Kiryu waves his phone screen in front of his eyes. Sakura can't read the words, doesn't need to when Kiryu's eyes are boring into him, and he realizes that Kiryu looks hungry. "Besides, I could always make it even and bite you back. Do you want that, Sakura-chan?"
Sakura doesn't want to respond, but he knows too damn well that Kiryu will push him until he does. Already, there's a thumb slowly sneaking its way under the edge of his shirt, drawing circles on what little skin it can reach.
"N-Not out here..." he manages.
Kiryu's eyes flash, lips curled up into a feline grin. His hand goes to the door knob.
"Then, where should I start?"
Suo 🫖
Sakura's room is quiet, save for the ambience of the outside world coming in through the window. There's light kissing the edge of the horizon, blanketing everything with a soft tint of blue. Suo breaths in slowly, closing his eye as he meditates. The chill left over from the previous night is no longer his concern as he pulls his awareness in, like he's shrinking away from the edges of his skin to inhabit only the space of his lungs.
Suo smiles to himself when he hears Sakura shuffle in his futon, mumbling incoherently, though it's suspiciously similar to his name. He takes a deep breath. Reigns in that affection and bottles it up in his chest. Sakura's sleeping now, he's meditating now, he can't just give into Sakura being a little cute.
He focuses so hard on his breathing that he doesn't notice when Sakura drags himself over to Suo's form, not until Sakura's arms settle over the edges of Suo's hips and his cheek presses into his shoulder.
"Sssu... o... Go t'shleep."
Suo doesn't usually button his changshan up all the way when he's sleeping or meditating.--that's usually something to deal with in the later morning, when he puts on his earrings and smooths out his flyaways--so Sakura's words fall wetly on his skin. The morning chill seeps into that spot, and Suo mourns the loss of his concentration.
"I'm meditating, Sakura-kun. You know you can't do this every morning."
Sakura closes his eyes as he nuzzles into Suo's neck. His hair tickles Suo's jaw. Suo suppresses a laugh, trying his hardest to be stern, but Sakura has always been particularly cute when he's sleepy. If Suo opens his eye, he's not sure he'll be able to reign himself in.
"C'me back."
Sakura's body is too weak with sleep to move him, uselessly tugging on him.
Suo opens his mouth to sigh--and yelps.
Did he just--?
Sure enough, Sakura's got his teeth--borderline fangs, with how sharp they are--buried into the juncture of Suo's neck. Suo can't even fully see him despite having whipped his head to the side to look at him, but he's more than sure Sakura looks like a blood-drunk vampire as he gnaws at him. The bite isn't deep--his jaw is slack enough that it's only the points of his canines that make Suo wince.
"S-Sakura-kun," he says, with a breathiness in his voice that's unfamiliar, "You don't know what you're getting yourself into."
Suo brings a palm up to cup Sakura's cheek as Sakura's mouth detaches.
Of course, his meditation time--the biggest example of Suo's discipline--has to coincide with when Sakura is most honest and needy.
But Suo prides himself on his self control, so he just takes a few more breaths.
Sakura bites him again. And again. Chomps sluggishly along his neck. Curls his fingers into his sleepshirt like he's afraid Suo will pull away from him.
Mumbles his name as he kisses his skin.
And whispers, "Suo... please..."
Fuck it.
Suo turns his body so Sakura leans into his chest, tips Sakura's chin up, and presses their lips together. Spreads his awareness back to his extremities so he can feel every point of contact between their bodies.
And Sakura, eyes barely open, moans contentedly into the kiss, leans backward so Suo can press him into the floor and deftly tangle his limbs with Sakura's uncoordinated ones. Sakura's fingers bunch at his collar, pull him in more and more, so greedy. But Suo is greedy, too, when he lets himself be, when Sakura forces him to be, so he presses their bodies as close as physically possible and devours him.
Suo groans softly as Sakura bites his lip, bites his tongue, gently scraping those canines wherever Suo will let him, his hand slowly creeping up to his neck and palming the bites that are sure to leave marks by the time classes start. Suo can't wait to display them when Sakura is fully awake.
They're near enough to the futon that Suo is able to reach for a blanket, covering them as sunlight starts to creep into the room.
Suo pulls away from Sakura's mouth to drag his own teeth along Sakura's skin, the satisfaction of getting to pay him back curling his lips into a smirk as Sakura keens--a beautiful, perfect sound, just for him. Sakura, so pretty and demanding, the expanse of his skin slowly peppered with bitemarks and hickeys as he falls apart under him, is a sight for only Suo to see.
They, uh.... don't get back to sleep for a while.
These are so horny LMAO im sorry (im not)
Sakura definitely bites to show affection once he's comfortable in a relationship. more aggressive than a kiss. less embarrassing (to him). It's cute.
If anyone wants to know how members of his harem react to that... lmk. I have Thoughts
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miraculouscontent · 3 years ago
okay this is probably a ridiculous question, but was it ever stated explicitly /in cannon, not a tweet/ that the ladybug and black cat are destined to be together? like call me crazy but I've been here since day one and I really don't remember that, it feels like a side tweet or fanon thing people decided to run with and use to bash other ships/characters they don't like 🤷‍��️
Aside from tweets calling them "romantic soulmates" and only holding on canon, it depends on what you mean by "explicitly." I imagine that they’d never say it explicitly even if it was canon, especially not with the side love interests because then it's like, "well, nothing matters so what's the point?"
As for the ladybug and cat specifically being destined, it's debatable, and I say that because Adrien and Marinette - at minimum - are "destined"? And I don’t say it in a good way.
Like--you can only hear "they're made for each other" so many damn times (to the point where even Chat boasts about it, which is where the idea comes from that at least he believes that they're destined) before you're like, "I get it, you're destined, kindly shut up."
You can only see them conveniently bumping into each other over and over again without seeing this as some form of fate. The term "contrived writing" doesn't exist in the world they live in.
Marinette's line in "The Puppeteer 2" lamenting how she and Adrien aren't "molded together in the plaster of destiny," with the obvious joke being that they are and she doesn't know (I know there are a few others like that that don't specifically say "destiny" but they're escaping me at the moment)? Yeah.
Akuma that was made into a gag before about how quickly he was defeated (Mr. Pigeon) suddenly taking an hour+ after they try to get with other people? Hm, interesting, surely it's just an off day for them.
Also, the red strings on their lucky charms? I doubt that's a coincidental design decision.
So on that logic, either Marinette and Adrien are soulmates/destined without the miraculouses and destiny led them to the miraculouses to further force them together, or it's because of the miraculouses that they're destined.
If we’re talking "explicit" as in "said with actual words" then definitely not, and when I refer to "destiny," 95% of the time I'm referring to Marinette and Adrien, not the fact that they have the ladybug and cat (Dread String of Fate runs on this too). I just feel like the evidence is so damn stacking at this point (we had the "made for each other" all the way back in "Origins" for crying out loud, as the closing line).
I think people using it as an argument against the ship is one thing. When we use the term "destiny," we're not pointing to specific dialog and more the contrivances and the force fate that's pushing the two together.
Why any love square stan would use "destiny" as some sort of selling point after that is beyond me. Destiny is not an argument for the love square, it's an argument against it.
(The TL;DR is that destiny is never stated outright and only heavily implied, making it a good argument for us salters because they keep teasing the idea for the people obsessed with the idea of soulmates while avoiding the outright admittance that "they're together because they literally can't be with anyone else," whereas it's a bad argument for the stans because they might as well be saying, "Ha! Our ship needed help by fate to get together--wait--")
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songmingisthighs · 4 years ago
introduction pt. i | pt. ii | pt. iii
ch. lxiv - cowards
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??? × reader, ateez × reader
A freshman hookup rekindled into something new. With an incentive, of course. But what would happen if your 'relationship' led you somewhere you never thought would happen to you ?
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After sending the last text, Mingi and Jongho didn't waste time and immediately rush to (Y/N)'s room. When they arrived, the door was ajar with Seonghwa standing inside. He was staring blankly around, seemingly confused.
"Hyung, have you been here?" Jongho asked, breaking Seonghwa's trance.
"Y-yeah, I did- she left? Just like that ??" Seonghwa asked, still not believing anything that just happened.
Maybe it was Seonghwa's guilt. The fact that his last interaction with you was him accusing you of being a whore didn't sit right with him. There was a lump in his throat and a heavy feeling on his chest. It felt like he was suffocating.
The three of them stood silently, not knowing what to answer.
As they stood silently, the other boys walked in one by one. Wooyoung walked in first with San in tow, they both immediately took note of the silence and just stared at each other with guilt.
One by one everyone else filled the room, staring blankly at the emptiness and letting sorrow and regret fill them.
"S-so that's it? She left us yet AGAIN after having just came back last night?" Hongjoong asked in disbelief. There was no malice in his tone, there were no ill intentions. He was shocked, surprised at the sudden tension.
Mingi turned to look at the eldest with much disdain, "After what happened to her last night, could you really give her blame?"
inking that Hongjoong felt wronged, as he thought his assumption was justified. To be singled out as such was a little bit too much. "Are you trying to be a hero here?" he asked the taller guy. Mingi scoffed at him, "Hero? You think I have some sort of a complex?" "I don't know, do you? I don't think it's a hero complex, but there must be some sort of a messed up complex in you. Because you've been all over the place and overreacting, acting like a mess when you can't find (Y/N) and yet not saying anything when she was here, letting Yeosang ran his mouth at her, driving her off,"
At the mention of his name, Yeosang spoke up from the corner of the room. "I drove her off? Are you fucking serious?" to which San, who was by his side scoffed, "Weren't you the one who verbally attacked her last night? Calling her out on leaving without any explanation was one thing, but to call her a wandering tramp?" "Okay, I was looking out for all of us. YOU especially, San! You don't know how much it affected me seeing you all broken down and you even fell into depression! As your friend, I was fucking worried!" Yeosang defended himself.
Wooyoung chimed in, scoffing at his long-time friend, "Looking out for us? From what? From who? The woman we love? If you wanna go off on her, that's one hundred percent your choice, but don't use us as your excuse. That's just pathetic, man," he told Yeosang whilst glaring at him.
Seonghwa got in between the two, preventing them both from going at it even further. "Okay, enough with you two, you both can't be fighting during this time. Yeosang might've said some... unnecessary things to (Y/N) last night, but things aren't completely his fault," he reasoned.
Surprisingly, Yunho chimed in, smirking at the older man, "You got that right," he muttered. Yunho's voice was intentionally loud enough for everyone to hear, but still low enough for it to seem snarky.
At his chime, Seonghwa furrowed his eyebrows at Yunho, "what's that supposed to mean?" Yunho stepped to Seonghwa while tilting his head as if challenging him, "Don't play dumb, hyung, I heard you last night. Here, you mentioned Yeosang calling (Y/N) names when you basically called her the same thing,"
Whilst the others were left confused, Seonghwa visibly froze. His demeanour changed to a nervous one.
"Yunho, what the fuck are you talking about?" Hongjoong asked.
Yunho looked to the side at Hongjoong casually, "I walked by when I was about to get water last night when I heard yelling from inside her room. Whatever they were talking about, I heard Seonghwa hyung yelling something about (Y/N) staying with guys other than her cousin. The implication was bad, I even heard (Y/N) crying,"
All eyes suddenly shifted to Seonghwa. "Hyung, you made her cry?" San asked, not able to completely believe that Seonghwa was capable of doing that to (Y/N).
Tension rose in the room and suddenly everyone was arguing with each other. All but Jongho who stayed by the sideline, watching the whole thing unfold between his older friends with disappointment in his eyes.
"What happened?" you asked him, appearing by his side out of nowhere.
Jongho sighed before crossing his arms, "They're blaming each other because you left again," he muttered. You frowned and furrowed your eyebrows, "But, I haven't left yet?"
At that, Jongho finally looked at you properly. His eyes widened as wide as they could go, "Oh, hey! You're still here!" He exclaimed loudly, capturing the attention of everyone who was bickering inside.
You stared at them weirdly, "Yeah? Why is that so surprising?"
Mingi stepped out towards you slowly, his hands reached out to grab yours in his softly, "W-we thought you had really left again," he told you, his voice broke from how glad he was.
But that relieved feeling was soon crushed when he heard your answer.
"Well, now I am. I was making sure of something and waiting for Haknyeon to come to pick me up. Since he's here now, I'm... Gonna go," you smiled at them gently. Despite that, there were clear indications that the smile you wore was one of a broken heart.
Seonghwa couldn't help but let his words slip without thinking properly, "You're going back with him and his friends?" to which Yunho immediately nudged him hard on his stomach.
You turn to look at Seonghwa directly. You shook your head at him before answering, "No, I'm not going back to his apartment. Wouldn't be right for me and wouldn't be fair to him. He's just escorting me to my old dorm where I will be staying," you told him. Seonghwa immediately gulped after hearing your answer. He felt bad for jumping to that conclusion, especially after you told him where you were going.
At this point, San had tears brimming in his eyes, blurring his vision, "Wh-why are you going again, (Y/N)? You just got back," he asked as he walked closer to you.
Seeing his tears, you couldn't help but get emotional as well. you let one hand off of Mingi's grasp to cup San's cheek, rubbing it gently with your thumb, "I just have to, Sannie, I'm sorry. I... Just came back up here to tell Mingi and Jongho directly that I'm gonna go now,"
Wooyoung pushed people away to charge directly at you, "Only Mingi and Jongho? That's it? The rest of us didn't even deserve your goodbyes?" there was no resentment in his voice, you noticed. His eyes, however, showed much sorrow.
You sighed and shrugged at him, "With how things went last night, I don't even know if you all wanted to see me again, that's why I tried making my escape as quickly and silently as possible,"
Hongjoong suddenly spoke up, "See, I don't think you wanna leave at all, because if you do, you wouldn't tell us at all and just leave,"
The way he said it set something off in you. Your previous calm demeanour switched within mere milliseconds as you answered Hongjoong bitterly, "of course I don't wanna leave. You think this is easy on me?"
Without realizing it, you slipped your hands off of Mingi's grasp and San's cheek. The others who were in the way moved to the side to let you face Hongjoong directly, slightly afraid of you, "You really think that I came back here just to leave the next day? If so, then not only that you're dead wrong, but you're also an asshole. Every single one of you is acting like I've only been playing around with you all, going back and forth as I please because I don't know what I want. You don't even know why I left. Maybe most of it was because I didn't tell you guys, but part of it was because neither of you even gave me the chance to even explain last night. All of you just turned your backs on me and walked away," you laughed bitterly.
Your words struck them deep. Because they were all true. You might have been the one who started the fight, but they were the ones who delivered the final blow. Not to mention they're male adults who should've been able to communicate and made better decisions. Lastly, there were eight of them and one of you, how was that fair?
The silence and the expression on their faces said a lot, you realized if you were to tell them everything, that was your chance.
So you took a deep breath and spilt everything to them.
You told them about the threat Sunhee gave you, the proof they had, and how they planned on ruining their futures. You told them about how you felt like you didn't have any choice and how you didn't want to make things worse so you just listen to them until you were able to think of something, you wanted to protect them. You also told them how paranoid they made you and how you almost went crazy from worrying over them whilst having to be worried over what those crazy bitches might do.
When you finished talking, you realized that the boys had had tears streaming down their faces. You could see their resolves wilting away and being replaced by regret and shame.
Without even saying anything, Wooyoung pulled you into his arms tightly. He cried, saying how sorry he was for how he acted last night and how he should've trusted you more. Yunho and San wrapped their arms around you too, despite the tears streaming down, they managed to utter how sorry they were for not doing anything. Soon, Hongjoong, Seonghwa, Mingi, and Jongho attached themselves to the growing group hug as well, wordlessly showing their remorse. Despite their lack of words, you understood them just fine.
At that moment, you felt safe, you felt relieved that you were finally able to tell them everything. Things finally seem like they will go back to normal.
Maybe except for one thing.
You lifted your face from where it was nestled in the crook of Wooyoung's neck to meet eyes with the one person who was still rooted in his position.
Yeosang immediately looked away, an attempt you assume was to cover up his own tears.
Though heartbroken that he seemed to still resent you, you took the current win and let yourself bask in the warmth the guys were giving you.
You promised yourself then and there that you wouldn't act so carelessly anymore.
At least not without letting them know.
taglist :
@raysanshine @peachy-maia @xuxiable @90s-belladonna @theclawofaraven @sanraes @sungiehan @felix-kithes @nycol-ie @superstarw99 @skkrtnawrskkrt @viv-atiny @the7thcrow @stfu-xeena @laurademaury @multihoe-net @daisyhwa @scoupshushushu @whyisquill @bikiniholic @yunhorights @exfolitae @simplewonderland @verycooldog2 @perfectlysane24 @hannahdinse8 @tannie13 @aka-minhyuk-kun @phebeedee @em0yunho @marsophilia @donghyuckanti27 @se-onghwa @malewife-supremacy @hyunsukream @elijahbabyb @taejichafe @alliecoady98 @rdiamondbts2727 @hakuna-matata-ya @ohmy-fandoms @ateezminonspace @stray-bi-kids @imaaroy @fashi0nablee @rindomo @violetwinters @nabihwa @linhyyboo12 @mirror-juliet @bestboiericsohn @hwahwaseong
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fastcardotmp3 · 2 years ago
I've been rewatching the bear and thinking about this Constantly and like the characters aren't always a 1-to-1 replacement but BOY do I have more to say because--
Mike as the overly protective nuisance over the way things were no matter how messy and chaotic and dead-end it was because Nancy wasn't the only one who lost someone here.
The Wheeler and Holland families were all but one and Barb was something like an annoying big sister fill-in while Nancy was off chasing her dreams and maybe he feels a bit of resentment for that, maybe he is hurting and can only express it by pushing back against his actual sister now that she's home, right? and Holly--
Holly the littlest sister who thinks they would all probably be healthier if they just let this thing die with Barb, but who is still the littlest, who can't help but want to help them make it work even when it feels like it's only tearing their family further apart in the process and--
Robin Buckley as the "they called you good. really good. but inpatient and green too" sous chef who shows up and shakes up and is both unerringly willing to stick it out and learn from the woman who made the best meal she's ever eaten and completely and totally unwilling to leave her own wants and needs and goals at the door.
They snipe at each other, they work well together, they have a camaraderie worth fixing even after it's broken because at the end of the day they want the same things and, even when they don't see it, they fit each other's crazy.
And don't get me started on the potential for stobin friendship in this universe because--
Steve is the guy who goes from making mediocre bread because it's his job and its how he pays rent to actually finding something like a purpose and a passion when Nancy and Robin show up and make him realize how much care goes into not just a single meal but a single sauce.
Steve is the guy finding himself in the corner as he bakes and experiments and fucks up along the way but finds out too that that's not the end of the world so long as he doesn't let it be and then--
You've got the likes of Max and Erica, both of whom are borderline furious with these new people coming in and fucking with their tried and true System, who don't like being told what to do by newbies no matter how big and fancy their resumes are, who are loyal to Barb's memory to an almost debilitating degree in same but different ways to Nancy and that's why they butt heads until they realize that this-- this actually works, this could be something, this could be what it means to be loyal to Barb and--
Dustin the ill-fated handyman who fixes things that need fixing even though they can barely pay him for it and who wants a bigger piece of the pie than that and--
Jonathan, Nancy's ex boyfriend but current friend who pesters Nancy into joining a grief group because why don't you try processing your trauma for once in your life, Wheeler and--
Lucas the delivery guy who definitely doesn't have a massive crush on Max, who in turn tells him to stop stalking her every time he has to drop off a new order, leaving both of them grinning and blushing by the end of the interaction and--
Eddie the dishwasher who Nancy fully slaps in the face when she finds out he'd been helping Barb fill financial gaps by selling drugs out behind the shop and the guy who also maybe hangs onto Steve's every word when he gets going about this donut he's trying to perfect and--
They definitely owe Murray money and there's Argyle the food reviewer who accidentally puts them on the local map and Will & El who are family but who refuse to be part of the shitshow and still, still--
At the center of it all, still Barb, who had to die for any of it to be possible, but who first had to live. Who is an all-encompassing presence surrounding what they're trying to do, what Nancy is trying to do, and is equal parts a haunting and a blessing for it.
Barb dies and leaves her life's work floundering for someone to take it and hold it and care for it and Nancy Wheeler stumbles through the grief and the burden of it all to somehow, impossibly and inevitably, make it something.
you get what I'm saying?
so who is going to give me the 'the bear' au of my dreams in which Nancy inherits her best friend's family restaurant after Barb dies and leaves it to her and has to cope with his grief for the girl who pushed her to get out of this town and make something bigger of herself all those years ago while simultaneously trying to fit herself back into the place she left behind in the first place which is also now filled with people who do not fully trust her or her big culinary training but want, in spite of it all, to see this place thrive WHO is going to give it to me I've been so brave I deserve it
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xxbangchansidedishxx · 4 years ago
Chan’s Room- Chan X Felix.
Tw~ Degrading, Rough sex, Spanking, Exhibition???
Plot: Chan has a special guest for this episode of Chan’s room. But things didn’t go quite as planned.
Note; please send requests❤️
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"Hello stayyy." He smiled as he looked into the camera. His body slightly hunched over hiding one of the members.
"We have a special guest on today's episode of Chan's room!"
Felix popped up from his hidden position with a cute little smile on his face.
"Aussie Aussie Aussie!"
The two giggled and began to interact with their fans.
"So what song recommendations do you guys have today?'
~comment: Love talk-wayv.
"How about that one channie?"
Felix questioned reading out the comment.
Chan had been avoiding playing this song for months and Felix knew exactly why.
The song was suggestive to say the least, but there was no getting out of it now.
"I - uh yeah okay."
The music began to play from the speakers and Felix started to dance around in his seat.
The younger Australian ran his hands through his hair biting his lip to match the vibe of the song.
He smirked as from the corner of his eye he saw Chan gulp and flush red.
"It's hot in here isn't it? Look you've gone all red."
Felix proceeded to take off his jumper to reveal a thin tight black shirt underneath. He knew exactly what he was doing to the elder and he was having fun with it.
"You know if you are hot you could just take off your jumper?"
He knew that wasn't possible since Chan didn't wear shirts underneath.
The song came to a stop and the two continued to interact with stays.
~comment: Chan how have you been?
"I've been doing good actually. The other day me and Lix-"
He was cut off from his sentence when he felt a hand squeeze his thigh.
He shot a warning glance at his friend and continued his sentence.
"The other day me and Lix went out for food with Jackson from Got7. Yeah and it was really nice."
~comment: what did you order?
Felix read out the comment as he trailed his hand further up Chan's thigh, it was now running dangerously close to his growing erection.
"I uhh I ordered a burger and Felix had s-steak."
His voice cracked and he stuttered as Felix was now palming him through his trousers.
The sight of the elder man so desperate to come undone but trying so hard to keep what was happening a secret was turning Felix on beyond belief.
A small whimper left Chan's lips causing Felix's eyes to shoot wide open. He acted as if he had no idea what was happening and he read out a comment.
~comment: Chan are you okay?
"I- yeah I'm fine. I just remembered I have to end the live a little early today. We have schedule and I completely forgot."
Carefully not to give themselves away Chan brushed Felix's hand off his crotch and stood up to hug the camera.
"Thank you for spending your evening with me, goodbye stays goodbye baby stays."
The two waved goodbye to the camera before finishing up.
Felix was pushed against the sofa.
"Oh you are gonna pay for what you did back there baby boy."
Chan growled into his ear, attaching his lips to the youngers neck, wasting no time to cover him in hickys.
"Mmmh I'm sorry daddy."
Chan began to rip their clothes off until they were separated by nothing but the thin material of their boxers.
He attacked Felix's lips exploring his mouth roughly with his tongue as he grinded his hips against the boy Beneath him.
"Such a naughty little slut for daddy aren't you?"
All Felix could do was moan in response.
"Awe my little fuck toy is lost for words."
Chan just chuckled and leaned down to tease the boys sensitive nipples with his tongue, lapping at it slowly before moving onto the other and nibbling at it causing Felix to Yelp.
"What were you thinking trying to get me off infront of stay hm?"
Before he could get a response he leaned down to roughly kiss him again. Teasingly his fingers circled the boys nipples which were wet with salava before flicking them mercilessly while Felix whined into his mouth.
The younger was desperate, his cock ached for release from the tight restraints of his boxers and Chan could tell.
He slowly pulled them down Felix's legs admiring his cock as it sprung free.
A pink blush flushed over the bottoms cheeks.
"P-please touch me daddy." He bit his lip in anticipation.
"Shh baby, you've been naughty and naughty boys get punished, turn around."
The younger gulped as he obeyed his orders.
A loud gasp left his lips as he felt Chan's hand come into contact with his ass creating a loud smack sound and a sting.
"I want you to count for me. Take your punishment like a good little boy and then I'll reward you."
His hand smacks against Felix's ass again
"Mmh fuck o-one."
He cried out the pain making his eyes water and his leaking cock rut up against the leather of the sofa.
Chan's hand caressed the youngers ass, each smack getting harder leaving red stinging marks.
It felt like the punishment was going on for ages and Felix was a stuttering mess.
"Ouch mmh f-fifty."
He panted catching his breath.
"You did so well baby boy."
Chan flipped the boy over and helped him onto his knees before removing his own boxers and rubbing his dick against the boys lips.
"Suck." He demanded.
The elder threw his head back and let out a groan as Felix gave soft kitten licks to the tip, lapping at his slit before sucking slowly at it and taking it down his throat. His tongue traced the bulging veins in his cock and he hummed around him in pleasure causing it to twitch.
"Fuck, your mouth is so wet baby. I'm gonna cum."
He pulled his cock from the youngers mouth and positioned himself behind him.
Felix tried to press his ass against Chan's cock but he moved away teasingly.
"How pathetic. I wonder what stay would say if they saw you here begging for my cock like a little whore."
He growled grabbing a fistful of Felix's hair to pull his head to kiss him messily.
He looked at the boys face. Lips swollen cheeks flushed red, eyes narrow and begging for more.
He began to rub the tip of his cock against the youngers ass slowly to tease him.
"Daddy please need your cock." He whined.
That's when Chan slammed into the boy causing him to let out a low groan as Felix cried out with pain and pleasure.
"So fucking tight baby, your ass feels so good around my cock."
He rocked at a steady pace hitting the boys prostate with each thrust.
The sound of skin against skin and whimpers filled the room.
"F faster please."
Felix could barely speak at this point.
"Awe my little cumslut wants more hm? You take my cock so fucking well baby."
He picked up his pace, roughly slamming in and out of his tight hole.
His hand held tightly onto Felix's throat applying just enough pressure to drive him crazy.
The bottom blabbered in pleasure.
"Mmh Ugh I- fuck uh I'm gonna cum mghh."
Felix shot his load making a mess all over himself as his ass clenched around Chan's cock causing him to release inside the boy.
The two panted, riding out there highs before Chan pulled out admiring the cum dripping out of the boys ass.
"You look so fucked out and pretty baby."
Felix blushed harder as Chan spread his legs wide and licked at the cum leaking from his hole. His tongue circled around the pulsing entrance, lapping up the mess he had made before he went up to kiss Felix on the lips.
"That was amazing Channie."
Felix cuddled into the mans side feeling content until he saw something from the corner of his eye.
His eyes immediately widened and he sat up grabbing a cushion to cover himself with.
"Lix what's wrong?"
Chan's voice was full of concern.
"Look at your phone..."
Chan walked over to his phone and his mouth dropped open as he saw it.
Comments. Thousands and thousands of comments.
~comment: umm what???
~comment: fuck this is so hot.
~Comment: oh god I can't take this.
~comment: they're literally... I- I'm not complaining.
He forgot to end the live.
Thousands of people had just seen him railing his band member.
He chuckled nervously.
"Oh haha Um hi stay. I guess I didn't end the vlive properly. Well I- Yeah."
Felix burned red with embarrassment as Chan just dug the hole even deeper trying to figure out what he could say to get them out of this mess.
"Well I guess me and Lix are gonna go now. Goodbye stay. Goodbye baby stay."
Despite the awkwardness and embarrassment he felt Chan still ended the live with a hug. One hand covering his cock and the other wrapping around the camera, his abs in full view of the camera.
This time he made sure to end the live properly.
"Chan it's all over Twitter."
Felix groaned covering his face.
Chan just walked over to him embracing him in a hug.
"As awful as this whole situation was... it's kinda hot tho don't you think?"
He smirked at the younger who blushed and shyly agreed.
"Don't worry. Everything will be okay. But I suppose we better get dressed and arrange a meeting with JYP and the boys."
The two cleaned up their mess before preparing to face their band members.
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phanfictioncatalogue · 3 years ago
Smut (6) Masterlist
Links Last Checked: September 14th, 2022
part one, part two, part three, part four, part five
Addickted - chocolatesaucelester
Summary: Blowjob in car ft. cockslut!Dan.
A Little Vitamin D (ao3) - Spring_Haze
Summary: Phil is surprised to find Dan in a rather inviting position on the outdoor patio of their beach villa on the coast of Australia. The couple enjoys semi-public sex in the sun.
can’t help the itch to touch- to kiss. (ao3) - thescienceofphan
Summary: Phil is deaf and Dan sleeps around a lot. So when people see them together, they worry about Phil’s emotional well being and shame on Dan for preying on a deaf boy, but it’s not like that. Not at all.
(or an AU where deaf!phil and playboy!dan are best friends and people think they’re dating)
did you find the fountain, are you still hungry? (ao3) - chickenfree
Summary: “I don’t think we’re meant to argue about sex.”
Dan scowls up at him. “It’s not sex.”
Discovered Outlet (ao3) - Cougar88
Summary: Dan discovers he has a new talent - drawing. He puts a unique spin on it, and Phil finds out.
Enough Is Enough (ao3) - Cougar88
Summary: Dan constantly taunts Phil when they're gaming. It really pisses Phil off. This time, when Dan pushes the wrong buttons, Phil has HAD it.
Quiet - analester
Summary: “One of their brothers comes to stay so they have to be really quiet.”
Quiet - cuddlephan
Summary: Cat stays at Dan and Phil’s, and Dan and Phil share a bed to make things easier but Dan wakes up with hard on/wet dream.
Orella (ao3) - intoapuddle
Summary: Dan is in an unconventional relationship. It’s loving and deep and perfect, until one day, Dan catches his tentacle sea creature lover with another man.
Our First Time (ao3) - Shadow_Phan_Da1
Summary: It’s Dan’s third time visiting Phil in real life, and he wants to take things further. His plan ultimately fails, but Phil makes it up to him the next day. Or, the one where Dan tries to have sex with Phil, but Phil doesn’t think Dan is ready, waits, then realizes how much he hurt Dan, so makes it up to him the next day with a really romantic dinner/night.
slutty, slutty soulmates (ao3) - sierraadeux
Summary: Easy, not stupid. And maybe Dan does have some standards. Not like he’s thinking about settling for anything while he looks the guy up and down, so many of his boxes ticked it’s honestly a little overwhelming.
or soulmates and where not to find them
slutville, population two (ao3) - dayevsphil
Summary: Dan and Phil both have reputations for sleeping around. Their friends don’t think they could hold down a relationship if they wanted to. Sounds like a challenge to them.
In Dan’s defense, tequila makes anything seem like a good idea.
Stranger Danger (ao3) - intoapuddle
Summary: Dan thinks he's the most awkward guy on the tube until he spots a guy that seems to be in an even worse condition than himself.
strike a deal, kiss my lips (ao3) - natigail
Summary: Witches were the only magical beings capable of binding and controlling demons. It required a complicated ritual and crazy amounts of magic.
It happening on accident was practically unheard of until Phil came along and got tangled up with a snarky and dangerous demon named Dan. Suddenly bound together, Phil must grapple with control over a chaotic demon that wants to strip the skin from his bones.
And maybe strip the clothes off of his body as well.
Stuck in a Rut (ao3) - phan_anon
Summary: Alpha!Phil is a young member of a noble family, and Omega!Dan is his slave. When the Alpha experiences his first rut, their relationship undergoes a drastic change.
the best that you can find (ao3) - queerofcups
Summary: The semi-infamous fourth time stands out. He’s still a little foggy on the details, he mostly remembers the coolness of the breakfast bar against his skin once he’d flopped down onto it and the feeling of Phil, in him and around him, warm and ebullient.
The Jacuzzi (ao3) - wantyoumorethanbreathing
Summary: Confusion swept over Phil as he stood frozen in the doorway for a moment, hand still on the doorknob as he tried to make sense of the sight in front of him. Then he noticed Dan’s hand that was working furiously just below the surface of the water and he felt suddenly very warm.
you look so good it hurts (in my favorite t-shirt) (ao3) - phantasticworks
Summary: Phil is gifted with a "Mega Dilf" shirt. Guess who picked that shirt out?
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flrtwoo · 4 years ago
wc: 1.3k
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as changmin neared the locker room, he heard a bunch of shouts and hoots coming from inside. soon after, a crowd of highschool kids started making their way out of the room, buzzing with energy and excitement. siyeon, who was in the crowd, spotted him and ran towards her favorite uncle.
"uncle changmin!" she shouted, earning a jolt from the clueless guy. when he saw siyeon coming his way, he smiled so wide and opened his arms for her. she jumped into the hug, laughing in happiness.
"that's a lie, you now have all the time in the world to do mom's errands WHICH you can't run away from anymore!"
"okay... maybe but don't think that i'm not dragging you with me to do them!"
you watched changmin and siyeon interact so animatedly from the entrance of the locker room, and you couldn't help but fall even further for the guy who's already stolen your heart. his smile could literally light up the whole world, you truly believed that.
"so i lost to dimples? huh."
"so i lost to dimples? huh."
you turned to meet the owner of the voice. "younghoon i still don't know how to respond to your comments, i love you but also are we really okay?"
your best friend laughed as he slung an arm around your shoulders. "YES we're okaaay it's just funny to see your reactions whenever i make comments about my crush on you!"
"you're sick, you know that? sick in the motherfriking head." you poked his head, younghoon continuing to laugh. "i know, i know."
from his peripheral vision, he saw changmin waving siyeon goodbye and walking towards you. with that, younghoon made it his cue to leave.
"looks like lover boy is coming right this way, so don't feel pressured to come to the lunch! i'll take care of the kids for now, you enjoooy your time." he teased and winked at you. you pretended to gag, mouthing a "what the fuck?" to him as he shrugged and left your side.
once you faced forward, you were met with a very nervous-looking changmin. "congrats y/n! you're the last person i needed to congratulate, i already spoke with younghoon but yea." he said.
"thanks changmin." you gave him a soft smile. he looked extremely anxious and you didn't know what was going through his head, so the both of you just kind of stood there in an awkward silence.
as you were about to end the conversation because where tf was this going to go, changmin cleared his throat. "i know your busy with the team, but can we talk? there's something i actually need to say to you."
"oh, sure! we can talk outside, at least it doesn't smell like chlorine and sweat out there." you commented, trying to lighten the mood. however, changmin didn't respond and just made a beeline towards the entrance of the arena.
you were confused, a little scared even. "what if he didn't want to be friends anymore? what if he was moving away to someplace far? what if he's not actually human? what if-"
"y/n, don't worry! it's nothing of that sort." he chuckled. "holy shit i thought out loud." your face grew beet red, and you stuttered out an apology for how he shouldn't have heard your thoughts.
you two eventually made it outside after an excruciating minute of you fanning the red out of your face and him trying to hold in his laughter at your embarrassment. you found a bench and sat on it, gesturing for him to follow.
as he sat down, he rubbed his hands against his pants, wiping off the nervous sweat that had formed. "okay, y/n i'll need you to listen to me carefully. let me know your thoughts after, alright?" he asked as he turned to face you.
"will do changmin!" you turned to face him too and flashed him an encouraging smile.
changmin was nervous in front of you, but the warmth you exuded from your smile alone was enough to give him the confidence to just think fuck it and tell you what he's been meaning to tell you for a while now.
"y/n the way we met, it was so, how do i put this... out of the blue? i mean, who expects to be punched during work duty and be pushed into the pool for literally standing there?"
you laughed at this, recalling the memory of how messed up your first and second meetings were.
"okay, i admit the second time was partly my fault, but still! it's crazy to tell people 'yea i met them in a haunted house where i was the scarer they punched'! but honestly, it's a much more interesting story than all the other 'how did you meet?' stories out there."
you nodded in agreement.
"when i met you the third time, you as siyeon's coach and me as her uncle, not gonna lie i wasn't the happiest about that. i'm sure you knew that too. but we kept meeting and meeting again under the most unexpected circumstances, and eventually i just thought 'maybe they're meant to be in my life, one way or another.'"
"we started talking more and hanging out, and soon i started looking forward to every time we talked and, well, hung out. i mean, you made even the boring things seem fun! that time i was studying for that dance theory test? all you did was ask the dumbest questions and i was already on the floor laughing my ass off!"
you wanted to protest about how your questions were NOT dumb, but changmin stopped you.
"i'm sorry, yes your questions were not dumb, i was just kidding." he patted your head, smiling affectionately at you. you rolled your eyes, however a smile similar to his soon made its way to your face too.
seeing you look at him with so much love in your eyes made something in his mind click and suddenly, his thoughts have never been clearer.
his heart's never been happier.
he didn't just like you. you meant so much more to him, and he knew you needed to know.
"what i'm trying to say is: home is somewhere i feel happy in, where i feel comforted, where i feel loved. and if being with you makes me feel those things, then y/n you are my home. and i hope you feel the same way, because i love you."
changmin exhaled as if he was holding his breath the entire time. he looked at you expectantly, waiting for your answer.
you, on the other hand, was shocked. just plain shocked, and you didn't know what to do, how to react, or what to even say.
the guy who'd stolen your heart had just admitted that you've stolen his heart too, so how the fuck do you respond to that.
after you had stayed silent for 13, 14, 15 seconds (yes, changmin was counting), he lost all hope. sighing, he looked down at his hands. "i'm sorry for putting this all on you, i knew it was a stupid idea, i'm sorry-"
you cupped changmin's cheeks to stop him from talking. he looked up, meeting your glassy eyes. you slowly neared his face until you were inches apart, and whispered your reply.
"i love you too, dumbass."
you closed the distance, lips meeting his as you kissed him slowly, sweetly. he smiled into the kiss, holding you as if you could disappear between his fingers.
it was a very romantic moment that unfortunately didn't last very long, because shortly after a bird landed on changmin's head causing him to scream, you to scream, and the bird to go number 2 on his head.
but oh well, everything about your relationship was so out of the blue anyways, right?
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[chapter 19]
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summary: when you find out that one of the students you coach is the niece of the guy you accidentally punched in the face and pushed into a pool, you're not surprised that he's, well, disappointed at the outcome. however, you're determined to make amends with him for the sake of his niece... and maybe for the sake of his cute face too.
taglist: @s0ngk4ng @wooyoung-a @skiez @kittkyu @stealanity @sofie296 @ccobbiee @deputyjuyeon @enhacolor @simplewonderland @jaerisdiction @arepabella @snuhee @loonathewurld @loki-in-hogwarts @hidejeon @jakesahi @nyujjan @suzy-rainbow @w8nuzone @yeletbz @seungcheoluwu
can't tag: @yannew @deobib
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a/n: I'M SO SORRY FOR THE LATE UPDATE i had to finish writing this piece but 🥲 last update on wednesday AAAA i hope you guys liked this chapter though, i didn't expect to go past 1k but i think i got carried away? 😃 it's not super edited too, so i'm really sorry if there are any mistakes!! please send me a message or tell me thru the ask box if there are hehe THANK UU <3
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